Gretting Minions of Jessica :)
I said in my first posty post and on my "about me" page, which I intend to publish in paperback form one day so future generations can learn of their almighty Goddess :) that this blog of mine will not just be reviews but also a multitude of ramblings on my awesomestness (its a word) and lots and lots of other things.
As my Weezer review, which you can feel free to praise me on anytime you feel like, was long I wanted to write a short, happy little thing next. What would it be??????? A few things went around the old noggin, maybe a review of Batman and Robin LOL which I liked personally. But no, the answer came to me as I looked under my bed and saw something my GF bought me the first timey time we went on holiday together, an awesomest alien in an egg pod toy YAY
When I was in Primary School these little dudes were EVERYWHERE, seriously you just were not cool if you didn't own one. I went to school one morning and people I had never spoke to before came up to me and asked me if I owned one, when I said no they would walk off, just like that.........
Fads were unescapable to us 90s kids, every new week you would go to school only to see your popularity die if you didn't have the latest toy. But none of them really stuck in my mind more than those gooey, little alien dudes. Essentially nothing more than a big headed, rubber alien kept in a little, plastic egg pod and covered in slime. What was the big deal adults would say, my mum nearly died when I asked her for one and she saw the price of them. But I needed one, I did not know why, I just did, maybe the brightly colored, flashy adverts or just how cutey cute they were with the big heads and little hands :D
When I finally got one, I picked a purple one, it was the closest to pink they had :( I sat down and........... Looked at it. I had heard that they could breed but to this day I have never done it, I believe with the new ones you can, but with the old ones I still wonder where that rumour came from??????? My brother told me if I stuck it in a fridge it would give birth, LOL my mum screamed when she saw him in there. At my school most of the boys would take them out the goo and throw them upwards so they would stick on the ceiling, at 21 my niece told me one of them is still there, hanging on the ceiling just outside my Year 6 classroom, for some reason I welled up inside, a little piece of my youth is still there :D When I saw them do that though I cried, I thought they had hurt the little fellas, I always wanted to protect mine and keep it happy, if the goo slid of him I would cover him up again :) My alien had a greying head and someone said he had died, I cried to my brother and he told me it was like that when I got it, I just hadn't noticed.
In conclusion, I sit here with my little alien and while I can't tell you just what is awesome about them, they are. They are brightly colored, gooey and most adults today still don't "get them" what more can a kid, or a 21 year old woman, want from a toy? Nothing. Fads may come and go, but me and my bro Purply will always be best friends :)
I really want one of those things again now. Like you said, you didn't know why, you just knew you had to have one. I also heard that they could breed and what not, and I also have no idea how or anything. Maybe they were real aliens and it was telepathic messages they sent us O_o It's awesome that one of them is still on your classroom ^_^