The title pretty much sums up this article dearest readers and devourers of the fountain of knowledge that is my cutey noggin :) I have never gotten the hatred towards Joel "Satan" Schumacher's interpretation of the Batman mythos; Batman and Robin. Lets face it here, the name alone is enough to send comic book lovers everywhere in to a violent, satanic frenzy not seen since I last watched a new "episode" of The Simpson. Fans hated this film soooo muchy much I am amazed his head is not on some guys shelf somewhere next to his original 50's Batmobile (still in the box of course) But why??????????? :(
I like to view Burton's Batmans (which are amazing) and Joel's as representing two very different era's of Batman and certainly being made for a different audience. Batman as we know him today is dark, moody, serious and void of any visible nipples when fighting crime. But no matter how much people try, no matter how much we may like to erase the campy 50's and 60's era from our mind, it will always be there, staring at you from the darkness like a photo of a bad mullet, or brightly colored spandex jumpsuits from your days of going to Van Halen concerts. And Batman has a lot to want to forget, he truly, truly does. And just as much as anything throughout the 90s comics were being targeted at kids and young teens, money was better all around, remember those days???? Cartoons, games, comics, heck most everything was being directed at our youth to spend their sudden surge in pocket money on. So Batman like everything else had a very large readership among kids, including me.
Which gets me right on to the point of this article, Burton made his Batman, it rocked, it really did, but that was a representation of "moody" Batman, Joel's was for the kids, for kids like me who went to see Burton's films and had to leave because it was scary, I was expected bright lights, fun fight scenes, cool car chases, basically the hero I saw in the comics, not a hero that scared me :( It took me a while to appreciate Burton's vision and how well it reflected the comics of the time. But what about the kids who still wanted to see a hero kick butt and deliver some cheesy one liners on the silver screen? Well Joel stepped in.
Batman Forever has always been my favorite, I think it properly married the darkness of the earlier films and the fun, campy nature of what came after it. Plus I don't care what anyone says, the cast was perfect, and they all seemed to be having a great time with their roles. Then apparently Warner Bros still wanted to push for the next film to be even more family friendly as kids finally took more of an interest in Batman Forever, I think Forever was perfect but there you go :)
As I child I remember B&R was getting a lot of hype, toys upon toys were being released, posters were plastered up in shops, video rental stores, games were already in production, it seemed like christmas had indeed come early to me. My hunger to see the film was near fever point when I finally got to see it. As the bright, neon logo appeared on screen I clutched my Batman toy to my chest and knew that the caped crusader had not let me down, how could he?
I knew a lot of people hated it, but to me as a young girl, it was everything I hoped it would be, and I know a lot of my friends and other kids felt the same way. If people love the Burton films so much go and watch them, they are always there and in better quality than ever thanks to Blu-Ray. But the kid in me will always have a soft spot for George Clooney and his bat nipples, when I watch it, it takes me back to a special time in my childhood, a time when I didn't want that much depth from heroes, as long as they looked cool, could reel of one liners as they punch someone in the face, used awesome gadgets and gizmos then I was happy. And I pray to God I will never, ever be mature enough to not enjoy that :)
Thats just my opinion, and it is the word of Jessica, so lets face, it counts for a lot :D We left Britney alone, so why not this? I don't know where you are going, but I am going to get some hot choccy, some nice, tasty treats and cuddle up with my Batman toy for some of the most awesomest, spandex clad action ever!
A nice corner of the internet for me to write reviews of new and old albums, games, films etc I like. Plus a few other things perhaps :)
Monday, 20 June 2011
Sunday, 19 June 2011
Those Cute Aliens In Egg Pods YAY :D
Gretting Minions of Jessica :)
I said in my first posty post and on my "about me" page, which I intend to publish in paperback form one day so future generations can learn of their almighty Goddess :) that this blog of mine will not just be reviews but also a multitude of ramblings on my awesomestness (its a word) and lots and lots of other things.
As my Weezer review, which you can feel free to praise me on anytime you feel like, was long I wanted to write a short, happy little thing next. What would it be??????? A few things went around the old noggin, maybe a review of Batman and Robin LOL which I liked personally. But no, the answer came to me as I looked under my bed and saw something my GF bought me the first timey time we went on holiday together, an awesomest alien in an egg pod toy YAY
When I was in Primary School these little dudes were EVERYWHERE, seriously you just were not cool if you didn't own one. I went to school one morning and people I had never spoke to before came up to me and asked me if I owned one, when I said no they would walk off, just like that.........
Fads were unescapable to us 90s kids, every new week you would go to school only to see your popularity die if you didn't have the latest toy. But none of them really stuck in my mind more than those gooey, little alien dudes. Essentially nothing more than a big headed, rubber alien kept in a little, plastic egg pod and covered in slime. What was the big deal adults would say, my mum nearly died when I asked her for one and she saw the price of them. But I needed one, I did not know why, I just did, maybe the brightly colored, flashy adverts or just how cutey cute they were with the big heads and little hands :D
When I finally got one, I picked a purple one, it was the closest to pink they had :( I sat down and........... Looked at it. I had heard that they could breed but to this day I have never done it, I believe with the new ones you can, but with the old ones I still wonder where that rumour came from??????? My brother told me if I stuck it in a fridge it would give birth, LOL my mum screamed when she saw him in there. At my school most of the boys would take them out the goo and throw them upwards so they would stick on the ceiling, at 21 my niece told me one of them is still there, hanging on the ceiling just outside my Year 6 classroom, for some reason I welled up inside, a little piece of my youth is still there :D When I saw them do that though I cried, I thought they had hurt the little fellas, I always wanted to protect mine and keep it happy, if the goo slid of him I would cover him up again :) My alien had a greying head and someone said he had died, I cried to my brother and he told me it was like that when I got it, I just hadn't noticed.
In conclusion, I sit here with my little alien and while I can't tell you just what is awesome about them, they are. They are brightly colored, gooey and most adults today still don't "get them" what more can a kid, or a 21 year old woman, want from a toy? Nothing. Fads may come and go, but me and my bro Purply will always be best friends :)
I said in my first posty post and on my "about me" page, which I intend to publish in paperback form one day so future generations can learn of their almighty Goddess :) that this blog of mine will not just be reviews but also a multitude of ramblings on my awesomestness (its a word) and lots and lots of other things.
As my Weezer review, which you can feel free to praise me on anytime you feel like, was long I wanted to write a short, happy little thing next. What would it be??????? A few things went around the old noggin, maybe a review of Batman and Robin LOL which I liked personally. But no, the answer came to me as I looked under my bed and saw something my GF bought me the first timey time we went on holiday together, an awesomest alien in an egg pod toy YAY
When I was in Primary School these little dudes were EVERYWHERE, seriously you just were not cool if you didn't own one. I went to school one morning and people I had never spoke to before came up to me and asked me if I owned one, when I said no they would walk off, just like that.........
Fads were unescapable to us 90s kids, every new week you would go to school only to see your popularity die if you didn't have the latest toy. But none of them really stuck in my mind more than those gooey, little alien dudes. Essentially nothing more than a big headed, rubber alien kept in a little, plastic egg pod and covered in slime. What was the big deal adults would say, my mum nearly died when I asked her for one and she saw the price of them. But I needed one, I did not know why, I just did, maybe the brightly colored, flashy adverts or just how cutey cute they were with the big heads and little hands :D
When I finally got one, I picked a purple one, it was the closest to pink they had :( I sat down and........... Looked at it. I had heard that they could breed but to this day I have never done it, I believe with the new ones you can, but with the old ones I still wonder where that rumour came from??????? My brother told me if I stuck it in a fridge it would give birth, LOL my mum screamed when she saw him in there. At my school most of the boys would take them out the goo and throw them upwards so they would stick on the ceiling, at 21 my niece told me one of them is still there, hanging on the ceiling just outside my Year 6 classroom, for some reason I welled up inside, a little piece of my youth is still there :D When I saw them do that though I cried, I thought they had hurt the little fellas, I always wanted to protect mine and keep it happy, if the goo slid of him I would cover him up again :) My alien had a greying head and someone said he had died, I cried to my brother and he told me it was like that when I got it, I just hadn't noticed.
In conclusion, I sit here with my little alien and while I can't tell you just what is awesome about them, they are. They are brightly colored, gooey and most adults today still don't "get them" what more can a kid, or a 21 year old woman, want from a toy? Nothing. Fads may come and go, but me and my bro Purply will always be best friends :)
A little post about my previous very long post :)
If anyone ever comes across my little blog they may be put off from reading my ramblings as my first review of Weezer's album Make Believe is, well, rather long LOL and I can't really see anyone wanting to ever read it :( Yes I am a massive fan of them and that really comes across in just how much I have to say on only one album from them :) so with my next review I will try to make it a little bit smaller, but I do so hope someone reads it :D pweaassseeeeee!!!!!!!! If you do read it and still retain some sanity or hate new Weezer with such a passion you want me dead, please don't, I will give you a cookie if you do :) and milky milk.
My first ever review!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Weezer-Make Believe
As I sat upon my throne of awesomness known simply as the fabled "Throne of Awesomness" I was contemplating in my bespectacled noggin what album I would choose for my first ever review. I walked over to the fabled CD Corner of Awesomness to find a special album, one that I love, one that is not only "good" musically but also held a special meaning for me :) maybe it made me cwy when I was sad, or got me dancing around my room doing a very bad waltz with a very startled teddy when I was sooo happy and wanted to get up dance, and sing like a prat :D With this in mind the mighty hand of Jessica picked out a personal favvy album of mine; Make Believe by Weezer!
Now I am sure anybody who has glanced my blog page for more than a minute will have gathered that this Blog is pretty informal, I am not looking to go in to great detail about what day and time a certain solo was recorded on, no, I just want to express how happy these things makes me feel, how awesome I think a certain band is. With that in mind I suggest you get a nice cup of tea and maybe a biscuit or two and let me tell you just how great this very, very underrated album is :) kay?
Well, first of maybe a little background info would help. Weezer are most certainly one of those bands that polarizes their fanbase, though they do it a little better than most. Releasing their first album in 1994, most commonly known as the "Blue Album" due to its front cover being nothing more than the band members standing in front of a plain, blue backdrop (creative, eh?) it was an album of catchy guitar rock/pop with deep, troubled lyrics centered around the ups and downs of love as experienced by any awkward teenager looking for love. Though that is probably doing the album a disservice as it was so much more than that, it was confessional, candid, but without sounding like excerpts from some schoolkids diary where they rant about how all the pretty boys and girls won't ask to them dance because of their penchant for setting things on fire. No, it was something you could step in to and see you are not alone, see a reflection of your own failing grasps and love. In 1996 the band released their second album, Pinkerton, to almost universally bad reviews, it took the formula for "Blue" and ran with it, going much deeper with songs of alieniation, desperation and basically anything that could probably get Rivers a restraining order pretty damn sharpish. It was incredible, its an album I go back to time and time again and still find something new, still take some comfort in its candid lyrics that despite their extremities, then again, is love ever anything but? Are very relatable to so many who find relationships hard to cope with. These days though, despite early reaction, critics have done a complete 360 turn on Pinkerton and have universally claimed to be the God-like album it so obviously is. However the damage was done and for one reason or another Rivers resigned himself to never scraping so deep lyrically as he did back then. And this is where Weezer V-2 comes in. After a hiatus of a few years they came back with the "Green Album" guess where that name comes from? :) It was a good album, but had very little to express this was the same man who wrote "Only In Dreams" or "The Good Life" containing mostly pop/rock with very catchy hooks but only a glimmer that if fleshed out a little more it could be as deep or revelatory as anything that came before it. Now I have given you a little background info on all of this I can now move on YAY :) (feels like a teacher, so smart) Weezers fans are divided in to two groups; those that love "Blue" and Pinkerton" and would rather Weezer had died in a bus crash after those two albums, though to them, they did. And those that love Weezer's more pop orientated albums such as "Green" and its unfairly maligned follow up "Maladroit" Admit it, reading all that background info was worth it for that little tidbit :D
Welllllllllllll, Make Believe was the poor kid who had the unfortunate task of living up to his daddies expectations after his last two kids, well, they needed a hit, badly (Maladroit was good :( .) In another light Make Believe was in a pretty good vantage point really, by that point most fans were desperate to see some resemblance to their earlier works they would drug themselves if they started to question where River's screams had ran of to. And compared to the lackluster fan reaction they had been getting its not like they really had to try :D they didn't set themselves a high benchmark. Soooooooooooooooooooo on to the review timey time. Drum roll please! *Looks over at Teddy Drummer* No drums for me today? Jay Leno never has this trouble with his drummer....................... He does what he's told, bet he has to sleep in the studio just in case
Anyway, I personally love this album, some of you maybe sat there open mouthed going, "no Jessica, noooooo. It sucks, its awful, something about Pinkerton......" Yes that album was good, amazing in fact, though "Blue" is actually my least favorite of their albums, no idea why.... But that Weezer has come and gone, what we have is still good, their are moments of real lyrical/musical genius where we get at least a little bit of that old magic back, "Burndt Jam" from Maladroit was incredible, how can anyone not dig that solo? I know its a cliched and maybe its leaning a little too much in to "high school" diary territory here, but "Girlfriend" from "Green" hits me everytime. So thats just my opinion, take from it what you will, but I still love Weezer, for better or worse I have stuck by my boys through thick and thin and will always do so. Even if Raditude makes it kinda hard :(
Viewing Weezer in this light, as V-2, its easier to judge new albums by them when not constantly being compared to what came before. But if you ask me, Make Believe can easily K-O the early albums. Please refer below to my handy, dandy and YAY track by track reviews of this wonderful, little gem of a CD. :D
Track 1-Beverly Hills
When this song came out it was EVERYWHERE it got an amazing amount of airplay. I remember hearing people calling them a new band and saying how cool they were... In fact when I met my GF and introduced her to the audible joys of Weezer her response was simply she remembers them as the guys who sang "Beverly Hills." All of that aside it is a very fun, very catchy if throw away song. Lyrically it has the depth of a brick, but I defy anyone who says that after a few listens you are not bobbing your head and singing along. Maybe it was a bad choice for a first single from a band who had been called shallow by fans but Rivers himself said he wanted people to dicsover the much deeper material after buying the album rather than putting them on the radio.
Track 2-Perfect Situation
I loves this track!!!!!!! When I first heard this song I immediately thought back to the awkward love songs my Weezer do oh so well :) Starting with some awesome guitars that steadily build up then fizzle out as River's sings with an almost nervours tremor in his voice, for anyone who has experienced what he is singing about here it can almost make you cwy :) I can truly believe that he felt what he was singing here, not something I could do with the "Green Album" In my opinion this is where the album really starts. Breaking out of the more shallow pop/rock formula they let their guitars break loose and finish with a very catchy solo over River's pained vocals that upon first listen I expected to turn in to crying at any minute.
Track 3-This Is Such A Pity
This one is a little different to normal Weezer and all the better for it! Seemingly inspired by 80s New Wave and with very "clean" by River's who seems to have gained confidence in his vocals on this album. The lyrics some say are quite but simple but I thinks its a real mark of genius that he can express the most complex of emotions in such a simple way that we can all relate to. I really don't have much to say on this song musically, its awesome, I loves it but apart from how different it sounds to the usal crunchy guitars we expect from them it doesn't offer much to discuss musically. Actually I would love them to don 80s suit and do some Spandau Ballet type songs :) would make me smile.
Track 4-Hold Me
This song is so, so pretty. Starting off with some very understated guitar work and slow drumming, Rivers calming vocals seem to almost melt from the mix as he sings of self depreication before getting a little louder for the chorus in a display of emotion that is almost painful to listen to. Definitely a highlight of the album for me and one where I can feel the shadow of their first two albums lurking in the shadows.
Track 5-Peace
When I first bought this album I had already heard of the fans negative reaction to it, and despite my love of them it was starting to get me and I was wondering if it was true. Had Weezer really got so bad? Could they make a bad album? :D I didn't thinks so, but I must admit I am not a big fan of this song. Half way through the album I genuiely could not see just what peoples problem with the album was. Then this song played and admittedly I was worried, yes the songs that came before it I thought were amazing, but perhaps the rest of the album would not stack up and were the reason for everyones hatred? All in all they have a lot better stack of B-Sides I think they could have chosen from to replace it. Has some nice moments but it seems too "polished" too simple and uninteresting lyrically.
Track 6-We Are All On Drugs
I am probably going to get death threats from Pinkerton Mafia for saying this, but I shall brave it as my castle has enough traps and early Weezer memorabilia to keep them occupied long enough for me to esacape :) But I really like this song, I think its fun, catchy with some great vocal work from River's and the rest of the band have crafted an awesome riff for it. Maybe thats not what everyone wants from them, but even the "Blue Album" had a few throw away tunes on it, "Surf Wax America" always springs to mind when people call new Weezer "pop." Its a song that always gets me up dancing around my room like some mad woman, to me, that is the mark of a good song :D
Track 7-The Damage In Your Heart
By the time this song played my fears had been all but destroyed, no, this was a good album, I once again were questioning if people were listening to the same CD I was. The lyrics, the music, the vocals, everything on this track hit me right in the heart and made me tear up. Its beautiful, thats all I can say. Starting off with a catchy guitar tune that you hear and know it can be nothing but our Weezer :) then Rivers heart wrenching vocals kicks in and I am gone, melted away in to a world where nothing exists but me and the music. Songs like this become "your song" a song you truly believe was written for you, you wonder if the singer has somehow looked in to your heart and seen the pain and wanted to write a song only for you. Thats how this song makes me feel, very few bands have that effect on me.
Track 8-Pardon Me
Apparently written by River's after he went to a meditation retreat where you make peace with all those you have hurt through your actions. Now. I like these lyrics, I believe they are as deep as anything they have done before. Because it has a very real meaning behind it, maybe he is not hitting you over the head with his dictionary to get the message across, but did he ever? Its just him and the band getting a message across that a lot of people would do well to hear. Its another song that cuts me deeply, who has never hurt someone only to realize years down the line you do have it in you to not be the nicest person out there?
Track 9-My Best Friend
..................The only other song on this album I don't like :( I can't defend this song, lord knows I wish I could, but I don't have it in me. It was written for Shrek 2 but was scrapped when it didn't fit the timing of the movements, maybe thats why its so throw away. Then again, The Eels song; "I Need Some Sleep" was very well written, but that was intended for a different scene entirely. This was going to take the place of Counting Crows song, "Accidently In Love" so it can be forgiven, but I think it ruins the mood of the album. Maybe because it was left out of the film they still wanted to use it.
Track 10-The Other Way
This song more than makes up for the previous one :) YAY Quite similar to Pardon Me, another song detailing misguided emotions and actions born from River's use of meditation during and around the recording sessions. The lyrics on this track are, to me, a high point of the album and really relatable to anyone who has been in a similar situation with an EX and maybe wanting to comfort them but wonder how pure their intentions really are.
Track 11-Freak Me Out
My favvy track on this whole CD, very atmospheric, and almost creepy with its haunting guitar and River's vocals almost sounding like they are being sang to you across a foggy river at night :) Its ethereal and despite its menacing mood is one I can go to sleep to at night, but I do have weir dreams. A lot of people say the lyrics are stupid and "light" on this track, maybe they are. But I think the lyrics were the last thing on their mind, its a mood song, where the lyrics take a back seat to the atmosphere crafted by the music.
Track 12-Haunt You Every Day
WOW is all I can say, remember "Only In Dreams?" How it was an epic in every aspect? Well to me this song bests it in every aspect. Lyrics that induce images of a shadowy stalker chasing you through the night, screaming to you of love and devotion. The music builds to a "wall of sound" crescendo with a tear jointing falsetto by Rivers. The perfect way to end the album, once its done you are drained emotionally and know you have experienced something very special, a snapshot of Rivers mindset at the time.
This was all just my opinion of course, nothing more, nothing less. I know a lot of people disagree with me, but I love this album and cannot understand the hatred directed towards it. I believe its a very real, heartfelt album and one I return to time and time again. If Weezer did keep on releasing the "Blue Album" over and over again but people would get bored and they would forever be cursed to relive the early 90s for the rest of their lives. So they changed but people don't like that either. As I said, Weezer split their fanbase like few others can do. They have done something we can all agree on it seems :D
Now I am sure anybody who has glanced my blog page for more than a minute will have gathered that this Blog is pretty informal, I am not looking to go in to great detail about what day and time a certain solo was recorded on, no, I just want to express how happy these things makes me feel, how awesome I think a certain band is. With that in mind I suggest you get a nice cup of tea and maybe a biscuit or two and let me tell you just how great this very, very underrated album is :) kay?
Well, first of maybe a little background info would help. Weezer are most certainly one of those bands that polarizes their fanbase, though they do it a little better than most. Releasing their first album in 1994, most commonly known as the "Blue Album" due to its front cover being nothing more than the band members standing in front of a plain, blue backdrop (creative, eh?) it was an album of catchy guitar rock/pop with deep, troubled lyrics centered around the ups and downs of love as experienced by any awkward teenager looking for love. Though that is probably doing the album a disservice as it was so much more than that, it was confessional, candid, but without sounding like excerpts from some schoolkids diary where they rant about how all the pretty boys and girls won't ask to them dance because of their penchant for setting things on fire. No, it was something you could step in to and see you are not alone, see a reflection of your own failing grasps and love. In 1996 the band released their second album, Pinkerton, to almost universally bad reviews, it took the formula for "Blue" and ran with it, going much deeper with songs of alieniation, desperation and basically anything that could probably get Rivers a restraining order pretty damn sharpish. It was incredible, its an album I go back to time and time again and still find something new, still take some comfort in its candid lyrics that despite their extremities, then again, is love ever anything but? Are very relatable to so many who find relationships hard to cope with. These days though, despite early reaction, critics have done a complete 360 turn on Pinkerton and have universally claimed to be the God-like album it so obviously is. However the damage was done and for one reason or another Rivers resigned himself to never scraping so deep lyrically as he did back then. And this is where Weezer V-2 comes in. After a hiatus of a few years they came back with the "Green Album" guess where that name comes from? :) It was a good album, but had very little to express this was the same man who wrote "Only In Dreams" or "The Good Life" containing mostly pop/rock with very catchy hooks but only a glimmer that if fleshed out a little more it could be as deep or revelatory as anything that came before it. Now I have given you a little background info on all of this I can now move on YAY :) (feels like a teacher, so smart) Weezers fans are divided in to two groups; those that love "Blue" and Pinkerton" and would rather Weezer had died in a bus crash after those two albums, though to them, they did. And those that love Weezer's more pop orientated albums such as "Green" and its unfairly maligned follow up "Maladroit" Admit it, reading all that background info was worth it for that little tidbit :D
Welllllllllllll, Make Believe was the poor kid who had the unfortunate task of living up to his daddies expectations after his last two kids, well, they needed a hit, badly (Maladroit was good :( .) In another light Make Believe was in a pretty good vantage point really, by that point most fans were desperate to see some resemblance to their earlier works they would drug themselves if they started to question where River's screams had ran of to. And compared to the lackluster fan reaction they had been getting its not like they really had to try :D they didn't set themselves a high benchmark. Soooooooooooooooooooo on to the review timey time. Drum roll please! *Looks over at Teddy Drummer* No drums for me today? Jay Leno never has this trouble with his drummer....................... He does what he's told, bet he has to sleep in the studio just in case
Anyway, I personally love this album, some of you maybe sat there open mouthed going, "no Jessica, noooooo. It sucks, its awful, something about Pinkerton......" Yes that album was good, amazing in fact, though "Blue" is actually my least favorite of their albums, no idea why.... But that Weezer has come and gone, what we have is still good, their are moments of real lyrical/musical genius where we get at least a little bit of that old magic back, "Burndt Jam" from Maladroit was incredible, how can anyone not dig that solo? I know its a cliched and maybe its leaning a little too much in to "high school" diary territory here, but "Girlfriend" from "Green" hits me everytime. So thats just my opinion, take from it what you will, but I still love Weezer, for better or worse I have stuck by my boys through thick and thin and will always do so. Even if Raditude makes it kinda hard :(
Viewing Weezer in this light, as V-2, its easier to judge new albums by them when not constantly being compared to what came before. But if you ask me, Make Believe can easily K-O the early albums. Please refer below to my handy, dandy and YAY track by track reviews of this wonderful, little gem of a CD. :D
Track 1-Beverly Hills
When this song came out it was EVERYWHERE it got an amazing amount of airplay. I remember hearing people calling them a new band and saying how cool they were... In fact when I met my GF and introduced her to the audible joys of Weezer her response was simply she remembers them as the guys who sang "Beverly Hills." All of that aside it is a very fun, very catchy if throw away song. Lyrically it has the depth of a brick, but I defy anyone who says that after a few listens you are not bobbing your head and singing along. Maybe it was a bad choice for a first single from a band who had been called shallow by fans but Rivers himself said he wanted people to dicsover the much deeper material after buying the album rather than putting them on the radio.
Track 2-Perfect Situation
I loves this track!!!!!!! When I first heard this song I immediately thought back to the awkward love songs my Weezer do oh so well :) Starting with some awesome guitars that steadily build up then fizzle out as River's sings with an almost nervours tremor in his voice, for anyone who has experienced what he is singing about here it can almost make you cwy :) I can truly believe that he felt what he was singing here, not something I could do with the "Green Album" In my opinion this is where the album really starts. Breaking out of the more shallow pop/rock formula they let their guitars break loose and finish with a very catchy solo over River's pained vocals that upon first listen I expected to turn in to crying at any minute.
Track 3-This Is Such A Pity
This one is a little different to normal Weezer and all the better for it! Seemingly inspired by 80s New Wave and with very "clean" by River's who seems to have gained confidence in his vocals on this album. The lyrics some say are quite but simple but I thinks its a real mark of genius that he can express the most complex of emotions in such a simple way that we can all relate to. I really don't have much to say on this song musically, its awesome, I loves it but apart from how different it sounds to the usal crunchy guitars we expect from them it doesn't offer much to discuss musically. Actually I would love them to don 80s suit and do some Spandau Ballet type songs :) would make me smile.
Track 4-Hold Me
This song is so, so pretty. Starting off with some very understated guitar work and slow drumming, Rivers calming vocals seem to almost melt from the mix as he sings of self depreication before getting a little louder for the chorus in a display of emotion that is almost painful to listen to. Definitely a highlight of the album for me and one where I can feel the shadow of their first two albums lurking in the shadows.
Track 5-Peace
When I first bought this album I had already heard of the fans negative reaction to it, and despite my love of them it was starting to get me and I was wondering if it was true. Had Weezer really got so bad? Could they make a bad album? :D I didn't thinks so, but I must admit I am not a big fan of this song. Half way through the album I genuiely could not see just what peoples problem with the album was. Then this song played and admittedly I was worried, yes the songs that came before it I thought were amazing, but perhaps the rest of the album would not stack up and were the reason for everyones hatred? All in all they have a lot better stack of B-Sides I think they could have chosen from to replace it. Has some nice moments but it seems too "polished" too simple and uninteresting lyrically.
Track 6-We Are All On Drugs
I am probably going to get death threats from Pinkerton Mafia for saying this, but I shall brave it as my castle has enough traps and early Weezer memorabilia to keep them occupied long enough for me to esacape :) But I really like this song, I think its fun, catchy with some great vocal work from River's and the rest of the band have crafted an awesome riff for it. Maybe thats not what everyone wants from them, but even the "Blue Album" had a few throw away tunes on it, "Surf Wax America" always springs to mind when people call new Weezer "pop." Its a song that always gets me up dancing around my room like some mad woman, to me, that is the mark of a good song :D
Track 7-The Damage In Your Heart
By the time this song played my fears had been all but destroyed, no, this was a good album, I once again were questioning if people were listening to the same CD I was. The lyrics, the music, the vocals, everything on this track hit me right in the heart and made me tear up. Its beautiful, thats all I can say. Starting off with a catchy guitar tune that you hear and know it can be nothing but our Weezer :) then Rivers heart wrenching vocals kicks in and I am gone, melted away in to a world where nothing exists but me and the music. Songs like this become "your song" a song you truly believe was written for you, you wonder if the singer has somehow looked in to your heart and seen the pain and wanted to write a song only for you. Thats how this song makes me feel, very few bands have that effect on me.
Track 8-Pardon Me
Apparently written by River's after he went to a meditation retreat where you make peace with all those you have hurt through your actions. Now. I like these lyrics, I believe they are as deep as anything they have done before. Because it has a very real meaning behind it, maybe he is not hitting you over the head with his dictionary to get the message across, but did he ever? Its just him and the band getting a message across that a lot of people would do well to hear. Its another song that cuts me deeply, who has never hurt someone only to realize years down the line you do have it in you to not be the nicest person out there?
Track 9-My Best Friend
..................The only other song on this album I don't like :( I can't defend this song, lord knows I wish I could, but I don't have it in me. It was written for Shrek 2 but was scrapped when it didn't fit the timing of the movements, maybe thats why its so throw away. Then again, The Eels song; "I Need Some Sleep" was very well written, but that was intended for a different scene entirely. This was going to take the place of Counting Crows song, "Accidently In Love" so it can be forgiven, but I think it ruins the mood of the album. Maybe because it was left out of the film they still wanted to use it.
Track 10-The Other Way
This song more than makes up for the previous one :) YAY Quite similar to Pardon Me, another song detailing misguided emotions and actions born from River's use of meditation during and around the recording sessions. The lyrics on this track are, to me, a high point of the album and really relatable to anyone who has been in a similar situation with an EX and maybe wanting to comfort them but wonder how pure their intentions really are.
Track 11-Freak Me Out
My favvy track on this whole CD, very atmospheric, and almost creepy with its haunting guitar and River's vocals almost sounding like they are being sang to you across a foggy river at night :) Its ethereal and despite its menacing mood is one I can go to sleep to at night, but I do have weir dreams. A lot of people say the lyrics are stupid and "light" on this track, maybe they are. But I think the lyrics were the last thing on their mind, its a mood song, where the lyrics take a back seat to the atmosphere crafted by the music.
Track 12-Haunt You Every Day
WOW is all I can say, remember "Only In Dreams?" How it was an epic in every aspect? Well to me this song bests it in every aspect. Lyrics that induce images of a shadowy stalker chasing you through the night, screaming to you of love and devotion. The music builds to a "wall of sound" crescendo with a tear jointing falsetto by Rivers. The perfect way to end the album, once its done you are drained emotionally and know you have experienced something very special, a snapshot of Rivers mindset at the time.
This was all just my opinion of course, nothing more, nothing less. I know a lot of people disagree with me, but I love this album and cannot understand the hatred directed towards it. I believe its a very real, heartfelt album and one I return to time and time again. If Weezer did keep on releasing the "Blue Album" over and over again but people would get bored and they would forever be cursed to relive the early 90s for the rest of their lives. So they changed but people don't like that either. As I said, Weezer split their fanbase like few others can do. They have done something we can all agree on it seems :D
Saturday, 18 June 2011
First ever post YAY
Nowwww I have had my coffee :) I am all ready to sit down and do my first ever blog post!
This is just a short introduction on me and what this blog will be about. I am so organised its unreal, my mum would be proud :D Now since I know no one ever reads "about me" pages :( and all my millions of fans worldwide are always hungry to learn everyting about me, including my shoe size I will tell you lovely people my name is Jessica Whipstaff and I loveee music and games and lots of other things like cookies and white wine. I decided to write a blog because I lovey love to hear peoples thoughts on albums, games and films from when I was younger, I like to see little snapshots of my childhood whenever I can, something to take me back to those happy times when I would save up for weeks and weeks to get a new CD and have to wait for hours at school to go home and give it a spin :) soooo in my infnite wisdom I decided "why not?" Why not put my thoughts out there?
Sometimes if I have something on my mind I may do a few random posts about anything and everything, but mostly this will be rambling on for hours about how awesome the Happy Mondays are :D like sunshine in my brain YAY
Thats it, my intro, all done and dusted :D I feels like I have done something great here today!
Oh, and yes, there will be lots and lots of smileys in my blog, they also make me happy :)
This is just a short introduction on me and what this blog will be about. I am so organised its unreal, my mum would be proud :D Now since I know no one ever reads "about me" pages :( and all my millions of fans worldwide are always hungry to learn everyting about me, including my shoe size I will tell you lovely people my name is Jessica Whipstaff and I loveee music and games and lots of other things like cookies and white wine. I decided to write a blog because I lovey love to hear peoples thoughts on albums, games and films from when I was younger, I like to see little snapshots of my childhood whenever I can, something to take me back to those happy times when I would save up for weeks and weeks to get a new CD and have to wait for hours at school to go home and give it a spin :) soooo in my infnite wisdom I decided "why not?" Why not put my thoughts out there?
Sometimes if I have something on my mind I may do a few random posts about anything and everything, but mostly this will be rambling on for hours about how awesome the Happy Mondays are :D like sunshine in my brain YAY
Thats it, my intro, all done and dusted :D I feels like I have done something great here today!
Oh, and yes, there will be lots and lots of smileys in my blog, they also make me happy :)
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